Smoking has become a problem for many people. Most often, people between the ages of 25 and 40 suffer from this addiction. The desire to be your own in the business, a misconception of the stiffness of smoking, the myths that cigarettes calm the nerves and keep you from gaining weight - these and other reasons push a teenager or an adultto poison yourself with tobacco products.

Some people want to quit smoking but lack the willpower or little information on really effective ways to get rid of nicotine addiction. Few people turn to a narcologist, considering this problem insignificant or intractable.
This article describes the most effective ways to start a healthy lifestyle by quitting smoking on your own.
Damage of nicotine on the body
7 million people die each year from the effects of smoking. Not only traditional cigarettes, but also their counterparts: vaping, chewing tobacco, hookah, electronic cigarettes, snus, etc. are harmful to the body. Passive smoking is no less dangerous. This is when a person stands near the smoker and inhales the smoke. It is believed that in this way a person receives even more carcinogens than the smoker himself.
The most dreaded disease directly linked to tobacco use is lung cancer. It takes 250, 000 lives each year. If you smoke from a young age or smoke 20 cigarettes a day, the risk of dying between the ages of 35 and 65 doubles. Addiction negatively affects all organs, including the unborn baby of a pregnant woman who smokes. She may have a miscarriage, a premature baby or a child with pathologies. Bad habits are dangerous for the elderly through the development of circulatory disorders and cataracts. Passive smokers are also at risk, especially children. They develop diseases such as bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma. The fetus, which is in the womb of a smoking mother, also receives toxic substances. In the future, he may have SIDS - Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.
If a teenager starts to smoke, he or she may develop a craving for heavier drugs in the future. Low-income, uneducated and nervous youth are at risk.
The main substance in a cigarette that causes the most bodily harm is nicotine. It is able to penetrate even chromosomes and cause their mutations. If such a mutation occurs in the germ cell, the future offspring will suffer, as many of them will have birth defects.
Nicotine begins its way into our body from the mouth and then enters the lungs. From there, through the alveoli, it enters the bloodstream. After the first puff, this dangerous substance appears in the tissues of the nervous system within 8 seconds. The concentration of this substance in the blood remains high for another 30 minutes. The vital organs take the hit: the liver, kidneys and lungs.
First, the cells of the central nervous system are excited, then - their oppression. Therefore, the person must smoke again. A cigarette contains 2 mg of nicotine and a smoker needs 20 mg to meet his needs. The person receives a short-term stimulating effect and does not think about the dire consequences. There is no benefit to smoking, only harm. Blood clots and atherosclerotic plaques form from the nicotine. All this leads to heart attacks, strokes.
Nicotine is addictive. Therefore, it is difficult for an experienced smoker to survive the withdrawal syndrome: irritability, insomnia, headache, fatigue. All of this can take up to 2 weeks. Cigarettes are a kind of entertainment for drug addicts. If they decide to quit smoking, they often don't know how to spend their free time and how to stimulate the brain.
Some people do not become addicted to tobacco because the body rejects nicotine. At the very first puff, nausea and vomiting occur. If these symptoms are not ignored, there is an aversion to smoking. Others remember "pleasant" sensations in the form of relaxation, arousal, loss of appetite and continue to smoke.
In any case, the ingestion of nicotine in the body does not go unnoticed. Diseases of one or more organs will occur. Even the bone tissue softens and osteoporosis occurs. The voice of smokers becomes low and hoarse, a chronic cough appears. Constant pain in the stomach is also the effect of nicotine on the gastrointestinal tract.
Cigarettes and their analogues contain other harmful impurities, which do not cause less damage to the body. Acetoin causes diseases of the digestive tract and lungs. Diacetyl is used as a flavoring agent and causes chronic bronchitis. Acetylacetone is intended for the chemical industry. Its use harms the whole body. Besides nicotine, several dozen other impurities are present in cigarette smoke, including heavy metals (lead, bismuth, polonium), poisons (hydrocyanic acid, cyanide, arsenic, formaldehyde) and others. Some of them can build up in the body, slowly poisoning it.
A person who smokes is easily recognized by the yellow teeth, the characteristic smell of the mouth, the unhealthy skin of the face, the red eyes. If you look at his lungs, it'll be a rotten black lump.
Anyone who thinks about their health or those around them should quit smoking. Yes, it is not easy, as addiction grows rapidly, but it is possible with some effort of willpower. To do this, here are some ways that should help you get rid of a bad habit.
Ways to quit smoking at home
A strong man or a willing woman will one day decide to quit smoking for good. The man smokes the last cigarette and no longer touches the tobacco. The support of relatives and the desire of the addict are important here. You can reward yourself for giving up a bad habit. For example, with the money that goes into cigarettes, buy something good.

If a person quits smoking, they need substitutes. These products can be seeds, lollipops, sandwiches, nuts. Naturally, all foods should be consumed in reasonable amounts so as not to gain excessive weight or high sugar.
It's impossible to imagine a healthy lifestyle without sport. Therefore, you should try to devote all your energy and free time to useful exercises. Now a set of workouts is available for everyone, for example as an app on a smartphone.
If you cannot stop smoking right away, you can reduce the dose every day. At the same time, relatives should provide maximum assistance: not to stress, not to bother you anymore, not to remember cigarettes. The person should be encouraged to adopt a healthy lifestyle. Some will want to live longer and disease-free, others will feel sorry for their finances, as the prices of tobacco products rise, others will think of their loved ones, who also receive toxic substances.
Smokers who want to quit smoking will find it helpful to read Allen Carr's book The Easy Way to Stop Smoking. It contains the author's own techniques. The main idea is to get rid of fear and take decisive action.
Proven traditional anti-smoking techniques
Cherry tree bird
Collect the cherry twigs before flowering. Cut them to the size of a matchstick. If you want to smoke, take a cherry stick and chew it. Then spit out this mass. Substances found in bird cherry produce an aversion to the taste of cigarettes. Apply this method for 7-10 days and the urge to smoke will pass.
Calamus root
The roots of Calamus have a similar effect. You can buy at the pharmacy. This product can be swallowed rather than spit out. After the class there should be an aversion to smoking.
Rinse solution
If you don't want to chew, you can just rinse with the following solution: take the calamus rhizome and peppermint in a 6: 3 ratio. Pour a tablespoon of the mixture into a glass of boiling waterand insist. Rinse your mouth whenever you feel like a smoke.
Another gargling solution: 5 parts of wormwood, 2, 5 parts of yarrow, 2, 5 parts of licorice root Pour a tablespoon of the mixture with a glass of boiling water and let stand 2 hours, then filter.
Herbal teas
Herbal teas can be used to calm and detoxify. Ingredients for cooking can be from our own collection or from the drugstore.
Recipe 1:
4 parts hawthorn flowers, 2 parts valerian, 2 parts peppermint, 2 parts motherwort. Pour 0. 5 liters of boiled water over 3 tablespoons of the mixture and let stand for 3 hours. Drink half a glass of infusion 3 times a day. Tea has a calming effect, has a positive effect on the work of the heart.
Recipe two:
4 parts marshmallow root, 4 parts mother and stepmother leaves, 2 parts oregano. Pour 0, 5 liters of boiling water on 3 tablespoons of the collection, let stand for 2 hours. Drink a third of a glass 3 times a day. The infusion soothes the nerves and cleanses the lungs.
Third recipe:
4 parts valerian, 2 parts cumin, 2 parts chamomile, 2 parts hops. Pour 0. 5 liters of boiling water over 2 tablespoons of the mixture and insist. If it is a thermos, the tea will be richer. After 2 hours of infusion, strain and drink a glass in the evening. This tea relieves nervous tension, helps to sleep well.
Effective medical methods for combating cigarette addiction
Ideally, anyone who decides to quit smoking should see a psychiatrist-narcologist. The doctor will provide medical assistance, which consists of the selection of drugs and psychological counseling. In particularly severe cases, coding is used.
In pharmacies there are products that are sold in the public domain and are designed to help get rid of addiction. You must follow the instructions clearly so that there are no side effects.
There are drugs that block nicotinic receptors, helping the body to wean off poison more quickly. For example, drugs containing nicotine should be taken only after consulting a doctor, contraindications are possible. After a short period of taking these pills, in the vast majority of cases, there is complete smoking cessation.
Modern smoking pills work on the brain and suppress the urge to smoke. Also relieves symptoms that occur during withdrawal.
Nicotine patches
Nicotine enters the body through the skin in small amounts. This will help those who are struggling with drug addiction or who cannot quit smoking at some point. In the future, it is necessary to cancel the bandages themselves, thereby stopping the persecution of the body.
Smoking sprays
Contains the same substances as in cigarettes, but at a lower dose. But a person weaned from the sight of cigarettes then completely ceases to feel the need for them. Plus, sprays are expensive, which means you won't get used to them. It is help in the beginning.
Nicotine gum
Contains a small dose of nicotine. Due to the unpleasant taste, it is not addictive, and gradually a person begins to feel aversion to all tobacco products.
Electronic cigarette
The only advantage of this method is that the environment is not poisoned by the smoker. A person inhales steam with purified nicotine and thus avoids a strong deterioration of health. Gradually, the periods of smoking should be reduced, and then stopped altogether.
When the reason lies more in the psychology of the smoker, then one can offer him hypnosis. This is one of the types of coding in which the patient is set not to smoke.
If a person has found the strength and quit smoking without help, then that's fine. The body will be shaken, but there is nothing to worry about. Gradually, all vital functions will return to normal. When an experienced smoker cannot get rid of the disease on his own, a qualified specialist will come to his aid. The treatment is absolutely safe and the reward will be excellent health and a long life.